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The Fallen - Everyman
League Wins: 17

Fastest Pussycat
The Syndicate - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 17

Lord Apathy
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 15

Armageddon Arms Dealer
Freelance Villain - Olympian
League Wins: 15

Arissa Mishima
The Fallen - Empathy
League Wins: 14

Sentinels - Inventor
League Wins: 13

Kyoko Nagami
The Fallen - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 13

Lee the Scruffy Wizard
Solo Hero - Master Training
League Wins: 12

The UV Light Warriors
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 12

Reavers - Empathy
League Wins: 12

Sentinels - Inventor
League Wins: 12

C.S For The MU Soul
Freelance Villain - Everyman
League Wins: 11

Scrapyard Angel
Solo Hero - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 11

Mod: Master of Disguise
Solo Hero - Inventor
League Wins: 11

Furious Styles
Solo Hero - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 11

DD vs. red!
Reavers - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 11

Cyberware Arch Lady
Robot-Killer Aria
Reavers - Cyberware
League Wins: 11

20/20 Swordsman
Solo Hero - Master Training
League Wins: 11

Freelance Villain - Avatar
League Wins: 11

The Grim Repair
Solo Hero - Overlord
League Wins: 11

Hand of Inequity
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 11

Everyman High Master
The Ancient Beast
Freelance Villain - Everyman
League Wins: 11

Unsubtle: Vitamin T
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 11

Deviana Ash-Meadows
The Fallen - Overlord
League Wins: 11

Crazy Abdul
Freelance Villain - Empathy
League Wins: 10

Sentinels - Master Training
League Wins: 10

Billy Hardcore
Solo Hero - Master Training
League Wins: 10

Babylon Jones
Freelance Villain - Master Training
League Wins: 10

Freelance Villain - Master Training
League Wins: 10

Spot the House Pet
The Fallen - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 10

Reavers - Cyberware
League Wins: 10

The Coalition of Bad Ideas
The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 10

The Last Virgin of Pele Island
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 10

In His Wildest Dreams
Solo Hero - Empathy
League Wins: 10

Ralph and Bimbo
Solo Hero - Avatar
League Wins: 10

Sentinels - Empathy
League Wins: 10

Groovius Maximus
Freelance Villain - Inventor
League Wins: 10

The Unsubtle: New Ownership
The Syndicate - Master Training
League Wins: 9

The Fallen - Cyberware
League Wins: 9

Ponce El Gadis
The Fallen - Everyman
League Wins: 9

ToK: Paix nel-Mondo
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 9

The Fallen - Avatar
League Wins: 9

Cyberware High Master
Solo Hero - Cyberware
League Wins: 9

Dr. Heliy
Solo Hero - Inventor
League Wins: 9

Master of Disguise
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 9

Sentinels - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 9

Nathan Moebius
Freelance Villain - Avatar
League Wins: 9

Dollarcorp Special Ops
The Fallen - Inventor
League Wins: 9

BB ThunderChild
Reavers - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 9

Solo Hero - Inventor
League Wins: 9

Midge "Squirrel" Fey
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 9

Texas Durrigan
Sentinels - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 9

Freelance Villain - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Sonz of Mojo:The Takedown
Reavers - Avatar
League Wins: 8

Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Amy Coleman
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 8

The Disassembler
Solo Hero - Inventor
League Wins: 8

Pyrox: Bombs Away!
Freelance Villain - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Sentinels - Everyman
League Wins: 8

The Grudge
Reavers - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Rogan White
Solo Hero - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Cyberware Knight Errant
Crash and Burn
Freelance Villain - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Freelance Villain - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Energy Conduit Arch Lord
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

Evil Malpractice Hologram
Freelance Villain - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Freelance Villain - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Doc Austin
Solo Hero - Avatar
League Wins: 8

Mister Clatue
Reavers - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

The Unsmegable
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

Susan and The Machine
Sentinels - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Jon "Darkenfire" Avalon
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

Valandar's Disguise
Solo Hero - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Alexander Shadowcast
Freelance Villain - Overlord
League Wins: 8

Josh Stone: 2nd Edition
The Fallen - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 8

Old Ned of the Hill
Solo Hero - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

The Bat Man
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Sentinels - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Grizzled Old Prospector
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 8

The Fallen - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Solo Hero - Empathy
League Wins: 8

The Getaway Driver
Freelance Villain - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Sales Man
Freelance Villain - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Dr. Snorkelpuss
Solo Hero - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Freelance Villain - Everyman
League Wins: 8

The Morrigan
Freelance Villain - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Kitten Kaboodle
The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 8

The Black Anarchist
Freelance Villain - Empathy
League Wins: 8

The Air Conditioning Man!
Solo Hero - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate Team Lieutenant
Johnathan Crenshaw
The Syndicate - Empathy
League Wins: 8

The Lamentable Construct
Freelance Villain - Avatar
League Wins: 8

High Wire
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Freelance Villain - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Officer John Powers
Sentinels - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Project Kumira
Freelance Villain - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

Kimura Uhei
Sentinels - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Freelance Villain - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 8

A Horde of Zombie Chihuahuas
The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 8

Master Training Knight Errant
Jane With Cinnamon
The Syndicate - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Matt Paris
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

The Baroness of Industrial
Clara Ands
Freelance Villain - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8

Mango, Papaya, & Turtle!
Sentinels - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Sentinels - Cyberware
League Wins: 8


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Fantasy Powers League designed and programmed over 4 years, three re-writes and hundreds of hours by Serge Walters. Concept based on some long forgotten message thread on the CBUB message board in which it was decided this website might be a good idea. Well, at least the HexxJo / Landon entity thought so, and he's still here so I guess it worked out OK.