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A Horde of Zombie Chihuahuas
Played By: reD2rumble

A Horde of Zombie Chihuahuas by reD2rumble

TEAM: The Syndicate



Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 1
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 4
Crinos: the return tour - Win 9-5
Pump Zombie - Win 11-7
Raef - Win 10-4
Verbal Assassin - Win 6-3
Crysta - Win 6-3
Dr. Nikolas Lane - Loss 7-12
Randy Large and His Orchestra - Win 13-11
Elmer - Win 12-11
James Gunn - Loss 12-18
James Gunn - Loss 11-14
Ama'Hakari the Cursed - Win 16-12
ToK: Paix nel-Mondo - Loss 15-21

A scream sounded out. They were coming. The children cowered in their beds as the adults ran to their houses and deadbolted the doors. Granted, the Oncoming lacked any opposable thumbs, so just having a doorknob would be efficient to keep 'em out (even if they were tall enough to reach it), but heck, it's a security thing.

Their numbers had since increased, the power of the collective more intimidating than ever. Man's two greatest fears had conjoined to destroy everything; Death and small short-hair lap dogs.

The Horde of Zombie Chihuahuas.


Personality: The streets were empty as the Undead Breed stumbled through. No longer simply annoying small dogs, the horde of Annoying Small Dogs with Powers of the Undead bumped into each other as they migrated; there was no one.

The mutual cry of "Gaaaahhhhhhhh" sounded as the Horde moved through. The chihuahuas no longer walked on four legs; disintegration prohibited that. Instead, they walked as the rest of the Undead...they walked on their hindlegs with their arms stretched out in front of them.

UltraDoom, a Freelance Villain, came out of one of the houses (he happened to live there) and stood directly behind the Horde. He chuckled silently; Stupid creatures, he thought. He would take them out just for a workout. As he stepped forward, though, he stepped on a twig, and it snapped.

Instantly, the Horde was looking at him. Despite their slow disposition, they had turned around in a matter of a split second. UltraDoom stepped to the right. Every individual head of the horde followed him. He moved to the left. So did each individual head. Warily, UltraDoom took a step back.

The Horde was on him. UltraDoom just didn't know it yet. They slowly moved forward. "Gaaaaaaaaaah." It was time to fight; UltraDoom shot steady streams of fire from his palms. Some of the Zombie Chihuahuas definitely had some singe marks, but UltraDoom had forgot he was dealing with the undead. Every single chihuahua continued forward undetered. This was getting desperate. He shot a giant dark energy ball at the Horde. This one didn't do ANYTHING. And such, UltraDoom Stood in a Knee-high flood of the undead.

Bystanders watching from the safety of their homes grimaced. UltraDoom had never stood a chance. Now, there was a new minion of the Undead with the Horde tonight. One more chihuahua.




Superior The pinnacle of human strength.
Can bench press 1000 pounds.


Weak BELOW normal human agility.
Slow and uncoordinated.


Superior Hardy.
Takes punishment like a heavyweight fighter or wrester.


Weak BELOW normal human mental power.
Not the sharpest tack in the drawer.


The Horde was growing in power. Powers of the Undead granted them the ability to assimilate those unfortunate enough to cross their path into Undead to forever wander with the Horde. With one little nasty side effect; they were instantly turned into a chihuahua, adding their power to the Horde. However, the Horde decided that if that didn't qualify as "Self Duplication" they would just call it "Polymorph". Read below. However, they also had the Powers of Evil to duplicate themselves to make their hordes bigger and bigger.

So it works either way.

It's Contagious!

  • Power: Decay
  • Level:Supreme
  • Kit Power Link: Avatar
There was this little nasty side effect of fighting the Horde; though they were unstoppable lap dogs, they were also moving corpses. They decompose. And it's contagious. Being around them causes decay to the surrounding environment, including whoever's fighting them. Better get away fast, cuz you're not beating them.

Closed Mind?

Closed Mind? Try "No Mind at All". It's not that you can't control them or give 'em brain blasts because they have "Powers of the Undead", it's that you can't damage their minds because THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MINDS. They're zombies, remember?


Of course they can hear you. Or pretty much anything inside the tri-county area. Those huge ears have got to be for something.


  • Power: Polymorph
  • Level:Standard
  • Seeker This attack hunts and follows its target.
"Oh dear," said one of the Zombie Chihuahas, temporarily breaking character, "what if 'Self Duplication' doesn't qualify when assimilating people?" "Easy," said a neighboring Chihuahua. "We can always self duplicate if we want to cuz we're the Undead, so that one's fine. We can just also qualify assimilating people into zombie chihuahuas as 'Polymorph'. That way, we get approved!" "Hooray!" said the entire horde unanimously. They then went back into character and continuing wandering in a general direction going "Gaaaaah."