T.R.W.R.S.S.I.M.H. by Don King  | TEAM: Freelance Villain |  | SECTOR: Industrial |  | KIT CLASS: Everyman |
|  |  |  Hall Of Fame! |  Survival - 8 wins! |
| Fight Record League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 2
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 5
Yagami Shinsuke - Win 0-0 The Otakalypse - Loss 0-0 Hannibal's Bakery Shop - Win 15-9
 | Excerpted from the journal of Dr. Ira Rothstein, Director of the Springfield Institute of Mental Health: I'm getting worried. Laszlo's previous obsessions were temporary. His obsession with the idea that extraterrestrials had invaded the U.S. Congress lasted only a few days, and his belief that he was emporor of the world had all worried, until he lost interest and started expressing a desire to become a sideshow geek. He's an erratic and unpredictable fellow, no doubt. This latest obsession with the Revolutionary War is going a bit too far though. He has the other inmates whipped into a near psychotic frenzy with his talk of, "Teaching the world it's not right to forget the past, to ignore the sacrifices of others." I mean please, the man's a sociopath, what does he care of history. Still, the patients have become increasingly hard to control, and there are whispers that a mass break-out attempt may not be too far in the future. I'm worried. Hell, scratch that, I'm downright scared. This is not how I imagined my psychiatric career turning out. |
 | Strength: | Standard Normal human strength. | Agility: | Standard Normal human agility. | Body: | Standard Normal human endurance. | Mind: | Weak BELOW normal human mental power. Not the sharpest tack in the drawer. |
 | George Washington, sort of. |
The Revolutiony War Recreationist Society of the Springfield Institute of Mental Health wants nothing but the best for its leadership. Unfortunately George Washington wasn't available. They've got the next best thing though, a guy who thinks he's Napolean DRESSED as George Washington. Well, actually he's dressed as Abraham Lincoln, but he's wearing a sign around his neck that says "George Washington." Hey, c'mon, don't laugh.
 | Sheer Stubborn Insanity |
These guys and gals are insane in the membrane, no doubt about it. Ain't no fancy mental attacks gonna faze these people. Nothing fazes these people. Not the fact that the costumes they stole are actually British military uniforms, not the fact that their weaponry is beyond ridiculous, not the fact that THEY are beyond ridiculous. If nothing else, they've got sheer stubborn insanity on their side.
 | No-Frills Bayonets |
- Power: Sword
- Level:Standard
- Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
- Multi Attack Attack can hit multiple times during one strike.
- Weakness: Power in Item -Hard to Loseitem
Well, not actually bayonets. More like sticks with with knives, bits of glass, and sharp rocks taped to the end. They run up to the enemy en mass, making gun noises, then shank 'em into oblivion.
- Power: Missiles
- Level:Standard
- Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
- Multi Attack Attack can hit multiple times during one strike.
- Weakness: Power in Item -Hard to Loseitem
- Weakness: Limited Uses -Multi-Use
That's right, cannons! Don't ask me where they found them, but they have CANNONS!!! What they don't have is cannonballs, so they use whatever's handy. Bowling balls, cabbages, human heads. You know, the usual odds and ends.
 | Fightin' Mad!!!! |
These guys are fightin' mad. Nothing gets these guys angrier than the fact that people don't appreciate the sacrifices made during the Revolutionary War. Don't ask me why, they're nuts.
 | Lotsa Pairs Of Eyes |
- Power: Radar
- Level:Superior
There are a lot of these guys, and they've got their eyes peeled. They're watching you, so don't try pulling any fancy tricks.
- Power: Can of Whoop Ass
- Level:Standard
- Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
Gratuitous and unnecessary perhaps, but a fight just ain't a fight without a can o' whoop-ass or two.