Few people have ever heard about the Black Anarchist, but those who have shudder when they hear his name. The famous anarchist that is responsible for consistently driving the world to the brink of pure chaos is the most dangerous man alive. Considered either a villain or hero depending on the person, everyone knows that the Black Anarchist hates any form of government and is currently engaged in a worldwide conspiracy to destroy our current civilization. Though newspapers and primetime news consistently blame terrorist attacks on different religious groups and factions, the truth is that the Black Anarchist is responsible for all of the death and destruction. Combining human, alien, and arcane technology with a twisted, cunning mind, he manages to destroy every one of his targets. He doesn't care if people are inside or not and he doesn't give a damn about women and children. His only objective is to destroy government no matter what it takes. According to classified US government files, the Anarchist somehow obtained alien and mystical knowledge while terrorizing America. With such a dangerous education, the Anarchist can destroy any target, at any time, and at any place on Earth. He is the perfect assassin and many different factions have actually competed for his services. However, the Anarchist doesn't work for anyone and proceeds to continue on his solo path of destruction. Many people have tried to kill the Black Anarchist, but they have all ended up missing or dead. Super heroes, mercs for hire, villains, assassins, and even regular citizens all salivate at the chance to take him out because of the billion dollar reward put out for his head. Many people speculate about how the Anarchist keeps himself alive for so long, but the answer is simple: when there is an avalanche, he simply ducks for cover. With so many super powered heroes and villains running around, the Anarchist is like a thorn in the side of both good and evil. His methods are very simple and his plans air tight. He doesn't practice kungfu, shoot guns, use weird mutant powers, or fight one on one battles. He has no need for unnecessary technology. His purpose is clear. He exists to destroy the governments of the world and anyone who gets in his way. Pray that you stay in your own lane........ |
Personality: Rather than use cliched words such as cold or calculating, I think that the Black Anarchist can best be described as successful. Anything he targets is destroyed. Whether he has feelings or not is irrelevant because no one knows what he is thinking, where he is, or why he wants to destroy the government. He is your favorite tactician's favorite tactician. The Black Anarchist can out think anyone because he keeps things simple. All of his plans stare people in the face, but they are too busy being complicated to save their own asses. |