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Dead characters and the stories of their spectacular demise. Sorted by name.
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Dead RPG Characters with names starting with P - T :
Paparotti Game System: Greyhawk AD&D 2nd edition Cause of Death: The party (consisting then of paparotti and a fellow mage) was lured by a beautiful high Priestess in her bedroom. Then, she asked the PCs to remove their clothes/armour/weapons so that they could enjoy the plesures of the flesh. Naked and unarmed, they could not repel the 10 temple members that stormed into the room and ambushed them. Epitaph: To bad I didnt finish... |
Peahawk Game System: D&D Basic- old, red boxed ed. Cause of Death: Peahawk was lost in a maze of tunnels and he accidently stumbled upon a cavern that contained one large, sleeping, black dragon, lying upon a huge pile of glittering treasure. Of course, Peahawk, in all of his infinite wisdom, decided to steal some gold and magic from the beast. The dragon, however, was only pretending to sleep, since he smelled the halfling before Peahawk had even entered the cavern. The dragon lifts his head and tells the little halfling, "You may leave with your life, thief, but first you will drop everything you own and go from this place as naked as the day you were born!" Peahawk only gave the dragon THE FINGER instead, along with a few, choice words. The black dragon replied with a single spit of acid, right between Peahawks eyes!(P-toooey) So much for the last act of defiance.... Epitaph: "A sleeping dragon? No problem-o!" |
Percival Mason Game System: Call of Cthulu Cause of Death: Asphyxiation: After breaking into an apartment to check on mysterious circumstances which were plaguing New York City with drowning deaths on dry land, Percy and his crew of three went down into the basement, where a shrine was set up for a socerer of Mu. Nobody was home, so Percy began to look into his coffin. He burned ancient manuscripts, and then the occupants/worshipers of the house arrived and got into a firefight with our heroes. They were able to destroy the coffin, but not until the sorcerer of Mu began to fill Percys lungs with water. As Percy stumbled out of the burning apartment, he collapsed and was not able to be revived. Epitaph: Would it help if I burned these books? |
Peril Sturm Game System: Gamma World Cause of Death: Peril had just been in a fight and was traveling down a spiral stairwell. He had been imjured in the fight and thought he would give himself a painkiller. He rolled a critical failure on giving himself the shot, then proceeded to roll another crit failure on his constitution. He then stumbled on another bad roll, and with, yes, another critical failure failed a dex check and plunged off the edge of the spiral staircase. He fell for about 60 feet and then landed wrong. With yet another con roll failure, he met his sorry end.. Death by accidental suicide. Epitaph: Medic!!!! |
Poiter Flauters Game System: AD&D Birthright Cause of Death: As the ruler of Tournen Poiter was facing a serious problem of his opponent, the evil dark elf Rhuby Manslayer the ruler of a neighboring land who had been destroying the local villages of Tournen. He decided to send an elven spy to this nearby land in order to learn more of his enemy. Apon the return of the spy he requested a private audience with Poiter. Once alone the spy took the form of the evil Rhuby himself and quickly had Poiters head filing a divorse from his body. Poiter met his downfall by seriously underestimating his opponent. Epitaph: "Oh CRUD" |
Puck-O-UPP Game System: Paranoia 1. Ed Cause of Death: After having set of a trap at the outer door, Puck-O stormed the hallway of said appartment, saw a tripwire about 3/4 of the way to the next door, jumped the tripwire, turned in midair to warn his fellows, smacked with his back into the inner door, which was also trapped (with a nasty spike), gets an "incapacitated" result on the damage roll, falls down unconscious directly onto the tripwire and sets of the grenade neatly vaporizing him and killing one and hurting badly two other troubleshooters. Whew, what a sentence ;-)) Epitaph: Whats that click at my back? |
Queen Larissa A.K.A. Bart the Battleready Game System: AD&D 2nd Addition Cause of Death: Bart the Battleready was acting as a decoy for Queen Larissa in one of three carragecades to deliver the Queen to an important peace summit. His party was misinformed as to the battle strength of the mauraders out to get Queen Larissa and as the bandits overed the hill in the hundreds, his party quickly turned coat and ran, knocking over the carrage containing Bart in the process. Upon his extraction by the mauraders, Bart fought friercly in his pink chiffon dress but he could not easliy overcome the odds. He was soon beat into a bloodly mess, the carrage righted and sent back towards the castle with Barts remains inside. Epitaph: Oh...to many to mention. How about "he died in her magisties secret service? Dont wear pink to a battle or your queenmother wears combat boots? |
QuickSilver (Joseph Quickton Silver) Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: In a enormous fireball (70d20) with 6 other pary members defying the gods for not granting immortality. [LOL! Gurth] Epitaph: Master of the battle-axe he could not be beat, except by his only rival. A God! |
R2D3 Game System: Star Wars Cause of Death: Cleaved by a very angry user of a vibroblade. There was actually no reason for this unless the guy took it as a personal offense that I tried to shred him to pieces with my circular saw. Epitaph: Bleep (all the sounds from the film) I wanna open that door, may I. |
Rachel Moonwing Game System: White Wolf Cause of Death: She had managed to find a Garous silver sword at a crime scene she was investigating. Using supreme deductive powers she tracked the party of PCs to their hideout, and began monitoring them. garous not being stupid noticed her, and found out who she was. She pulled a clever trick by pretending to die by having the news play a story about her dieing in a bus accident that was a high profile story. the garou relaxed their guard. She planted copious explosvies around their lair, and boom, one down. Two escaped down a sewer, a grenade down a manhole took care of that (sewer gases, nasty explosion.) Dragonsbreath shotgun, two .45 with silver hollowpoints made short work of the arrogant garou. After her ferocious battle, she failed to look both ways crossing the street, and gets hit by a bus. Epitaph: Irony, I can taste it, and the grey matter |
Ragnar Game System: RoleMaster Cause of Death: Those well trained 20th level Uruk-hai commanders, who for a moment looked like easy money! (In a fight I was also pretty nastily back-stabbed by the mage of our group: he shot me point blank with a waterbolt, he says it was an accident (it wasnt)). Epitaph: To my dear party member Surtur (who also go killed during the same struggle). |
Raphael Haleldir Game System: Dungeons and Dragons Cause of Death: He was on a yourney to discover the lands of the Southeast, when he found the City of Th�rie. There he fell in love with the Kings daughter, and ran avay with her. As he returned home to marry her, he discovered a group of lizardmen. They attacked him, and he killed them all in a bitter fight to save his love. But the lizardmens leader was a powerful mage, and put a spell on Raphael before he died. This spell would transform him into a lizardman in three days. Instead of this horrible faith, where he might would be tempted to kill his love and family, he killed himself by falling on his sword. He was buried in great glory, after his love carryed him all the way home. Epitaph: For you, my love! Arghh........ |
Raven Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: Teleported out of danger and into the celing, with head in ceiling and body left dangling! Epitaph: Nice melon buddy! HA-HA! |
Rein Ravenwood Game System: D&D Cause of Death: He had just gotten back from teaming up with a sorceror and a warrior to rid the town of the monsterous bug-like creatures that had plagued it. Supposedly there was some treasure in this old abandoned house. They decided to go in and investigate. Finding nothing downstairs, they headed upstairs to see a single door at the end of the hallway. Unfortunately, there was a hole in the floor. Using his wall-climbing skills, he bipassed the hole, helped the others across, and they entered the room. Finding nothing, he kicked a hole in the wall, looking inside. Suddenly a swarm of insects burst out and started attacking the group. The Sorceror, genius that he was, decided to use a fire spell to try and destroy them. It worked, but the house also burst into flames. Trying to escape, the group burst through the door, and fell straight into the hole in the floor. With all their equipment, they were big enough to get stuck wedged into the hole. The flaming building collapsed around them. The Sorceror and the Warrior died, but Rein somehow survived. Unluckily the townsfolk found him. Thinking that if they killed him, they could keep all his money, Rein had a pitchforked shoved into his head. The townsfolk then chased down the groups donkey that had been waiting outside. The donkey had held much of their gold, and had also caught on fire. The gold was melting and streaming out behind as the terrified donkey ran down the street... Epitaph: Ironically, the town prospered on the money. The Flaming Ass in is a very prosperous place... |
Relampago MacLeod Game System: AD&D DragonLance Cause of Death: Attacking orc guardsmen with a wooden platter while trying to escape prison with only 2 hit points recovered.Then my companions dumped me in a moat after they rescued me. Epitaph: Damn orcs have hard heads. |
Riptide Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: A little backround, here. Im actually Bens GM, but I dont think hell mind. Anyway, Ben was a supreme munchkin, and he had the unhealthy illusion that Riptide was going to be invincible. No dice Ben. For their first run, Ben and his buddies were sitting in a restaurant, waiting for a meet, when the Lone Star busted in. Ben and his pals, rather reactionary, started blazing away at the Star. The Star started shooting back. Ben hides behind a table, and pokes his pointy little head out. Cop sees head, cop shoots. With a light pistol, it somehow got staged up to a Deadly wound and cacked the so-called "invincible" Riptide. Night-night, Riptide. Epitaph: Hah! A light pistol! No prob-OW!MUTHUH!OUPHE! |
Roland Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: After throwing away the suitcase containing the large bomb, the security guards seemed to think that I was a terrorist. I survived 9 out of the 10 Vindicator shots. Epitaph: Damn... 21 dice (15 body, 6 combat pool) still wont stage down that last Vindicator shot. |
Roman LaCroix Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: He asked if the druids good could be wrong, and the druid flame struck him for it...destroying the bag of holding that he had, and bringing the cavern caving down on top of the entire party!!! Everyone died...thief, monk, druid, mage(of course), and fighter. Epitaph: Damn!!...thats gotta hurt! |
Ron Hernandez Game System: GURPS Cause of Death: While out drinking and four x fouring in the desert one night, ron pulled up on a cold one (chtulu) chomping on a couple of dead backpackers. Due to his acute phobias concerning dead bodies, he stumbled drunkenly backwards and over a cliff. Epitaph: Loading up on character flaws kicks so much ass! |
Ruaak Shieldsplitter Game System: DnD Cause of Death: Ruaak was never the brightest bulb in the lot, and he often (never) simply did not think out his plans. In this case the mistake proved fatal. He had been recruited (along with his team, Two archers, one rogue and a sorcerer) He had been doing quite well at manning one of the corners (guarding both the wall and the large stack of barrels, containing a large quantity of alchemists fire). In one particularly furious give and take with an attacker, Ruaak lost his beloved axe, having lost his own and only weapon, this dwarf improvised, taking up a severed (at the shoulder) arm, and proceeded to beat at least three more attackers to death before finally, at the point he was nearly overrun. With his in mind he stuck a lit torch between his teeth, hugged one of the barrels and threw himself off the walls and into the waiting army below, the resulting explosion was extremely impressive, not to mental damaging (to both sides). Epitaph: Im sure theyll get be raised in no time! |
Sabrina Knight Game System: Mechwarrior 3rd Edition Cause of Death: Sent by the Death commandos to secretely assasinate the current champion of Solaris so that the candidate they wanted to be champion would be guaranteed a win. Sabrina approached her target as he was doing some last minute maintenance work in his mechs cockpit. She failed her stealth check sneaking into the open cockpit whish turned a simple assasination into the fight of her life. Rolling another failure Sabrina accidentally kicked the "Pilot Ejection Lever." This ejected the pilots seat from the mech.. which was where Sabrina happened to be standing as she battled her target. She was launched at maximum speed for the roof of the mech hanger which was only 50 feet away. Her target was injured by the explosive bolts of the ejection but survived. Epitaph: Aiiiiieee SPLAT |
Salazar (or Salad Bar the Bewildered) Game System: D&D 3rd edition Cause of Death: After accepting a bet to play a character using only tridents and spears, the ill fated Salazar was born. The party was guarding a caravan traveling through some mountain foothills. Salazar, scouting ahead, came upon some mysterious tracks heading into the hills. Against his better judgement, and wondering if this was the prelude to an ambush along the road, Salazar followed them for several hours. The tracks turned out to belong to a druids horse. After conversing with the druid, who was extremely annoyed at being disturbed by "a lunatic ranger who cant even light a fire". Thoroughly humiliated, Salazar decided to take a "short cut" through the forest to catch up with the party. He promptly became lost. It was about midnight when Salazar was surprised by a mountain lion snarling at him from a rock. Thinking to at least regain some dignity, he tried to kill the beast with a javalin. Though wounded, the fearsome creature shattered Salazars trident and killed his horse, forcing our hero to flee on foot. Exhausted he took shelter in hollow tree. Several hours later, he was rudely awakend by a large band of gnolls. Though Salazar almost escaped, he was hacked down and eaten. Epitaph: "Im never going into the woods again, in fact, Im going to become a lumberjack" |
Satal Korrot Game System: Gold DragonD&D 3rd ed Cause of Death: It was Satals first boat ride. The party needed transportation up the coast to follow a lead on the "Evil Cult." After surviving poison, undead, harpies, scrags, and pirates, the boat Satal and party were traveling on was drafted into the navy of Rel Astra as they tried to break the Evil Empires blockade of that city. After a dramatic (and mostly cinematic) battle, our ship was one of a few left. As one of the last enemy ships closed in, Satal grabbed the last few vials of Alchemsits fire and jumped into the catapult, telling his comerads to fire him at the closing ship. In the air, he threw one vial at the ships sails and the other at the main hatch to the lower deck. When he landed on the other ships deck, (not without damage) he used his cone of fire breath weapon to set most of the ship on fire. He was last seen covered in flames and fighting the enemy ships captain bare handed. Epitaph: (To his fellow party members) "You head to the life boat. Ill hold them off as long as I can." |
Sean "Banshee" Hurley Game System: Top Secret Cause of Death: Evil dice and trying to take a switchblade to a submachine gun fight. There were two of them and Sean thought his Agility was high enough. Bad rolls make dead characters. Epitaph: His death would be sad, if it werent so damn funny. |
Selene Holmes (A) Game System: GURPS Space Cause of Death: Containment failure (likely due to effects of the experimental time-travel drive on the ships repair nanites) while carrying 10 kilos of antimatter in her ships cargo bay. Epitaph: "My analog was carrying HOW mu |
Shako Game System: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cause of Death: Having been attacked by a vampire and turned, Shako and his buddies heroically decided to steal a petrol tanker. Shako was trapped in the cab when it was being shot to pieces by government agents and caught fire. "Do you want to get out?" asked the judge. "Ill to assume gaseous form" replied the player. "Your abilities are still new to you and you cannot control them properly - do you want to get out of the cab" asked the judge, very patiently. "No, Ill try to assume gaseous form" replies the player - again. Its amazing just how red-faced a player can go with the rest of the gaming group pissing themselves laughing while your mutant polar bear vampire is incinerated! Epitaph: Could you try to save my arse just one more time,,, please? |
Shere Game System: Werewolf: the Apacalypse Cause of Death: While tracking down a tiger poacher in America, Shere found one of the poachers offices. Seems he was a big time industrialist and Pentex freelancer. Shere snuck into the warehouse, the location of the office. The poachers bodyguards, a Black Spiral Dancer, a Tzimisce Vampire, and a Nephandus mage, discovered him and moved in for the kill. Shere destroyed the vampire quickly, then moved against the Black Spiral Dancer. While destracted with the werewolf, the Nephandus teleported behind Shere, turned the bullets in her gun to silver, and shot him in the back of the head. Epitaph: Grrrrrrrr. |
Sir Armstrong of Dragonkeep Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: Abrupt landing after a fall of about 200 meters. (Managed to lose his Ring of flying after dealing a mortal blow to an ancient Green Dragon. AAAAAARRGGHHH!!!) Epitaph: Oooops |
Sir Billy Game System: Adnd, 2nd ed. Cause of Death: Sir Billy the Bold met a rather unfortunate end (arent most?) at the hands of his own serfs. It seems that, while bold and courageous in his attempts to bring peace to his lands from orcish raids, he was unaware of the evils of humans. Unable to comprehend this, his trust was easy to earn an his most trusted advisor tured out to be a money grubbing thief who cared little for te peasants. After a spirited adventre, Sir Billy returned to his lands and was promptly overwhelmed by angry serfs. is bod still hangs over the main road... Epitaph: Oh I say, is this all really necessary? |
Sir Braxus Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: Once in our party we had a paladin played by a kid called ben who never went into battle without a suit of full plate mail armour on. When we came across a tower we got in and advanced into the ground floor room. Facing us was 4 basilisks (stone gaze creatures). Ben advanced boldly into battle, only to discover in the confines of the tower when our mage let off a lightning bolt it rebounded off a basilisk, straight into ben, into a wall, then straight back into ben. Being in full plate mail armour the paladin rapidly became something of a dead paladin in a metal tin We Reseurrected ben and advanced up the stairs to the 1st floor, to find a hydra facing us. Once again ben charged yelling his battle cry. This time he succeeded in actually hitting the enemy, but 2 enemy heads bit huge holes in both him and his armour, leaving the paladin close to death. With only a mage, a rogue and a cleric (me)left the mage launched a fireball at the hydra, only he misjudged the range and set it off to close to ben. Ben Mk II died, this time of flame damage. The cleric proceded to wade in and finish the hydra off. After we ressurected him AGAIN (we had scrolls) we took the next and final level to find a old black dragon..... This time ben took advice and we surrounded it, attacking from all sides and at the same time. Worse luck though, just prior to death the dragon raised itself up on its hind legs and was immediately hit by about 4 blows. The dragon died, but Geuss who it fell towards? Yes ben, and this time despite being in perfect health, ben died as he failed to scramble away in time before the body crushed him. This might not be so amusing, but for the fact that all of this took place in one night within 2 hours. To my knowledge no other character Ive played with of D&D has ever been killed 3 times in 2 hours. The DM thankfully decided "Ben" had earnt his spell in the afterlife and refused to let us ressurect him again The player was not amused, but the rest of us were VERY amused Epitaph: Should have learnt when to call it a day and take up knitting! |
Sir Duncan Pathwarden Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: After slaying Mordecai Blackhaven, the black paladin of Thrale, Duncan returned to his home in Valens and became the kings champion. Shortly afterwards, the king fell to the poisoned bolt of an assassin and Duncan was set on the trail of his kilished, for none could find him but all remembered his vow to destroy Valens. Duncan lost his paladinhood and soon thereafter became a wanderer. His death has not been proven, but it is thought that he gave his life for a small family in the lands north of thrale, battling a marauding tribe of orcs. Epitaph: Mike, morals and standards are something that everyone cant live up to, but we had a good time gaming anyhow.... |
Sir Robert Paulinus Game System: Knight of the Sword AD&D Dragonlance Cause of Death: Challenged Lord Soth to single combat, survived the Power Word Kill (holy avenger) but then proceded to find out exactly how good death knights can get. Epitaph: "Next time, let them get through the gates first." |
Smash MeOgre MeSmashYou Game System: 3e d&d Cause of Death: Smash was an Ogre mage. He was actually quite intelligent for an Ogre, but he still had a speech imped..impi...problem. He also indulged in violent acts before thinking way too often. There was a time when Smash and his companions were sent on their first sea voyage. They were travelling along the coast and their ship was attacked by a Roc. Sadly Smashs companions didnt have much for ranged weapons and Smash only had so many spells. After the fighters ran out of arrows and javelins Smash threw his magic at the Roc. Fireballs, lightning bolts, cones of cold, etc... until Smash exhausted his spells. The DM had a triumphant look so Smash picked up a box and ripped it open. It contained some chickens. Smash used his Ogre strength and threw a chicken straight up at the Roc. It turned out the Roc had only one hit point left. Smash scored a critical hit. Sadly Smash failed to realize that the Roc was flying above their boat as it passed out from its wounds. It plummeted and destroyed the boat and its passengers. On a lighter side Smash came back as a ghost and enjoyed possesing bodys and making them run off cliffs. Epitaph: Me no know how swim! |
Smith Game System: Star Wars West End Cause of Death: A (very) failed Jedi with a single minded goal: to embrace the darkside. Unfortunately the only thing standing in his way was a few hundred miles of Corscont atmosphere. His ship exploded above the planet leaving him stranded in a vaccum suit, falling to his death. In a valiant effort to stay alive he used his Absorb/dissipate Energy skill to absorb the fall through the atmosphere (the skill was 1d, he rolled a 38) only to splatter painfully against the unforgiving ground. The only solace to be gained from this sad event is that he aimed for the largest group of people, spread out his arms, and in his last nanoseconds in the living world, managed to fully embrace the power of the darkside. Epitaph: Some of us fly, some of us fall, very few of us survive atmospheric friction. You did all three, and for that we salute you. |
Sol Angelica Game System: D&D 2:nd edition Cause of Death: Sol Angelica was born in Year 6 DR and her mother beeing elven and her father human she became halfelf with all the beauty of a natural fullblooded elf but with a quicker and more inventive mind. When she reached the age of 17 she joined the elven high guards and learned archery and swordsmanship. At her 21:st birthday she was given her first mayor misson... She was sent by her superiors in the elven high council, to investigate strange happenings at the Castle Of Time. As she entered the great main hall of the castle she was beset by hordes of goblins wich she handled without too much of dfficulty with her sword and merely recived a minor wound. As she began exploreing the castle she found a mineshaft located deep in the dungeons of the castle. She went down the mineshaft without encountering any enemies and as she reached the bottom she found an old miner. The miner asked her to see if the minecart was coming... It did. Epitaph: This game will be the death of me! |
Spalderon Game System: AD&D 2nd Edition Cause of Death: Intestines turned inside out, then had a marble thrown into them by Handsome Pete the partys chaotic neutral thief. As if having them turned inside out wasnt bad enough!!! Epitaph: Next time somebody says "You go first youve got the most hit points left," tell them to go to hell. |
Sprinter Game System: Tunnels and Trolls Cause of Death: Entering an empty room containing nothing but an animated paintprush working at an easel, Sprinter decided to let it paint his portrait. Upon paintbrush finishing the painting, Sprinters body dissapeared and his soul was locked inside painting. The other party members then had great fun laughing at the hobbits idiocy and and tossing darts at the painting (after wisely breaking the brush and easel into itsy bitsy wood bits). Epitaph: My, what a handsom hobbit! So... anybody wanna play darts?? |
Storm Game System: 1/1D&D 2nd Edition Cause of Death: Having discovered the ship is sinking, with no land or other ships in sight,he gave all his stuff to a friend, found a man he knews to be a brilliant warrior, with no morals, and then preceded to insult him until he was hacked to peices. Epitaph: lifes just to much effort |
Streltsov Game System: Archer / Druid D&D 3E Cause of Death: Math. Or, rather, lack thereof. In a session where his player wasnt even present (the worst way to die), two of us were joking about the number of Fire Giants guarding the gate to Maerimydra in City of the Spider Queen. Unfortunately the player running Strelts character wasnt in on the joke, and he charged Streltsov bravely forward to be promptly ground into his component parts by a giant while we all watched in horror. Epitaph: "I Thought There Were TWO!" |
Stromh Longshanks Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: After a long illustrious career while fighting the Lich King, Longshanks was on his way to a small citadel in the Icewind Dale area. Being the arrogant fellow that he was, he decided that sending a runner to announce him was not enough. Instead, he fired a bolt from his hammer of thunderbolts into the air, letting the impressive roll of thunder thus created announce him. Problem... Loud noises and deep snow lined creavacess do not mix. Unable to avoid the resulting avalanch, he and all of his retainers (some 200 npcs) were buried alive and died horribly frozen in the snow. Epitaph: Oh Sh#%$^!!!!!!!! |
Styphan Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: He put on the medallion of the enemy spellcaster and this put him in a spell that made him "go beserk" and he had to be killed to break the spell and was killed by six shots of extra explosive armor-piercing rounds to the head from a Fanchi-Spass Epitaph: Killing with pinache I am |
Swalin Game System: Hero Quest Cause of Death: Most of the heroes that fought Zargon wished to simply end his threat to the races of humans, elves and dwarves. Swalin, however, had a different plan in mind. He wanted to fight for the thrill of it, and because the women loved warrior elves. He was a womanizer so when his mentor came to him to give him the final mission, to kill Zargon, he accepted. He along with Kurin, a Dwarf; Spacewiz, a wizard, and Borin, a human warrior led an assault on Zargons castle. The alliance army of a million soldiers attacked the castle and managed to keep most of the one million Goblins, Orcs, Fimirs and other monsters of Zargon busy while the four heroes infiltrated the castle to take out Zargon. Being arrogant, Swalin often got into trouble, often facing two or three Chaos Warriors of Doomguard at a time. He went through his potions very quickly. He often had to be helped out of trouble, but his body count was nothing short of astronomical, killing over four hundred monsters, fifty of them, members of Doomguard. They ascended the castle, which was more like a city, and reached Zargons throne room after more posturing by Swalin. Legion after legion of Orc, Goblin, Fimir, Skeleton, Zombie and Mummy surged after the heroes, only to be felled by them, with Swalin killing the bulk of them. Then the heroes faced a Gargoyle, which Swalin killed with ease. But all of this fighting was beginning to wear on him and he no longer had any potions of healing. Soon, all that remained were four Elite members of Doomguard. The heroes fought valiantly, and they felled the four remaining Chaos warriors, but they paid a heavy price. Kurin had fallen to his Chaos Warrior. But he was avenged by Swalin. Spacewiz had been wounded so after he hit Zargon with a Ball of Flame spell, Zargon unleashed a Firestorm inside the throne room, setting Spacewiz on fire. Spacewiz let out bloodcurdling screams as he burned. After a minute or so, Spacewiz died. This got Swalin angry and picking up Spacewizs spells, Swalin decided to take the fight to Zargon. He then saw Zargon get stabbed by the Spirit Blade in the stomach. Borin had reached the evil wizard first. It would have been a fatal wound for anyone else, but Zargon knew healing spells. But before he healed himself, he unleashed a Lightning Bolt that went through Borins chest, killing Borin, and also hit Swalin, severely injuring him. It was then that the castle was beginning to collapse due to the assault. Zargon neared Swalin with a grin. Swalin smiled and yelled, "Come get some, Zargon!" He then unleashed a massive Ball of Flame spell against Zargon. Zargon went up in a blaze, but before he did, he took Swalins Ring of Return and cast another Lightning Bolt. Swalin then cursed Zargon as he used what remained of his energy to kill Zargon with a Ball of Flame. With that the castle collapsed. It is also believed that there were no survivors on either side of the fight. Epitaph: #^&% you Zargon! |
Swoop Raigo Game System: SLA Industries Cause of Death: Swoop took about 2 doses of Ultra-Violence (the most powerful combat drugs in all the planet Mort.). He entered into a party place, with this U.V. and without any control he began to slash every body with his Power Claymore (a dangerous magical sword of Frother). Badly, the security guards, of whom he didnt know anything, began to shoot him. And the security guard couldnt kill him because he is on the effect of the Ultra-Violence. After he killed about 12 security guards, and 9 business men, he went down. When he was down, the medicine man of his squad began to try to save it. For that, he did a transplantation of 2 lungs and a heart. For that damage he had received about 22 shotgun shells. He was alive! But three days after, he returned to the hospital and died for a defect in his second heart. Epitaph: We were aquad of six SLA operatives, why did that happen to me? |
Tabak Game System: G.U,R.P.S. Cause of Death: Tabak Was Intiated by a group of Ogres Fighting a powerful group of mages. He had Killed A Vampire Master in the past and thought notewothy to assist the Ogres. Leading the Mages was a Vampiric Mage. Tabak Felled him with his Axe and was immediatly transported to a Vampiric "Hell." There he lourned till he found the only point to Transport back to earth. However the soul of that vampire guarded his exit. He stormed the Demon but tradically dropped his shield (A result of a critical failure) and was killed in a great swing of the Demon vampires flaming sword. Epitaph: "You Body fell at my Axe..My body could not meet the fire of your soul..my task is done." |
Tafkaris Game System: DnD 3e Cause of Death: The characters went into the dungeon to clear itfrom a kobold infestation. Half way through they decided theyd fight each other instead. So the DM decided to introduce them to the ten little third level kobold fighters in full plate. It took three rounds to kill the 4 characters, the wolf and the summoned dire badger. Epitaph: The DMs smiling |
Talorion Whisperwillow Game System: D&D2nd Ed. Cause of Death: Hired by powerful mage to infiltrate mind flayer enclave for info the elder brain absorbed from member of his community that died...He managed,through sheer luck to make it past the mind flayers to what He thought was the spawning pool....However, it turnd out he came upon a meeting between the elder brain and aboleth savant....it was a toss-up between the two on who would Talorian be slave to...so they had a contest...it was how much psychic pain they could inflict without driving him mad through psychic images..The aboleth won,but unfortunitly,talorians brain was as jellied as the aboleths.. Epitaph: "Whats This! Two Elder Brains!" |
TarValanion Game System: AD&D 3� Edition Cause of Death: The party (4 PCs : a mage, a warrior, a ranger and a priest of Tempus and 3 NPCs : a druidess, a mage and a archer) was looking for a priest of Bane who had stolen the freight they had to escort. Two of the 4 PC had already died (cf Armon). On top of the tower, the 2 surviving PCs found a box full of weapons, 2 priests of Bane fighting each other through 20 skeletons and a mercenary warrior fighting 3 skeletons all alone. The warrior was slightly injured. The 2 mages and the druidess didnt have any useful spells. All were despaired because of not knowing what to do first. The mage had an idea and ask his fellow warrior for a fire-pot (a small explosiv device they had found on the way). He said : "I will throw the fire-pot on the box and we will hide on the floor underneath." The warrior didnt give his fire-pot, but the druidess did. (She was really despaired and slightly curious.) The mage threw the fire-pot aiming directly for the box. It was full of fire-pot. Miscalculating the power of the device, the mage caused the decomposition and/or death of : 23 skeletons, 1 mercenary, 2 priests of Bane, 1 Warrior (PC), 1 Mage (PC), 1 druidess, 1 archer, 1 mage, 1 horse, 1 Howl (Mages familiar), 2 magic rings, 1 cursed Morning-Star and 1 whole tower. Epitaph: I aim for the box!! |
Taurus Game System: AD&D Dragonlance Cause of Death: He says "I teleport myself as high as I can" (Teleport range = Unlimited). Epitaph: The first minotaur in orbit. |
Team Alpha (Manny, Moe, and Jack) Game System: 007 - Avalon Hill, Sadly out of print Cause of Death: The three agents -working for the fictional American covert agency in our game- were trying to penetrate the security of the Main Villain�s secret island base. They hit on the idea of chartering a plane and flying the short hope from the resort island of St. John to the villain�s hide out. They charter the plane and meet the pilot early in the morning the following day for their sight seeing trip. One of the agents recognizes the pilot as one of the villain�s henchman. Without explaining to the other two what hes up too, Manny pulls his pistol and shoots out the radio. Only then does he explain to the others that their pilot is in league with the bad guys. At this point, a struggle ensues �as one would expect. In the course of the struggle with the pilot �who incidentally was NOT in league with the Main Villain- Moe opens the pilots side door as Jack cuts loose the seat belts while Manny Keeps the poor pilot in a choke hold from his position behind him. Long story short, the innocent pilot gets tossed out of the plane at five thousand feet and meets a harsh death in the waters of the Caribbean. Only then does it occur to the trio of players that none of their characters have even a single rank in piloting skill. Despite their best efforts, the plane crashes swiftly into the Caribbean. Epitaph: I figured one of you could fly the plane! |
Telemain Ridgya Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: Hellblasted 10 corp. sec guards and 3 combat mages, allowing a bodyguard, John Cofax, to extract Shawn and dying of the strain of a force 50 hellblast, making John the last surviving member of the 4-member Shadowgunners Epitaph: I saw, I came, I toasted, then I fragged up and died. |
Terron Game System: AD&D Cause of Death: Gross incompetance and misunderstanding. Group had to kill a lich and his greater mummy wife. They also had to kill a cambion of Orcus who was the lichs rivil. They kill the cambion and then find out the lich hates his wife cause she stole his phalactery. Group kills wife with lichs help. While the characters are in the main chamber two of the players (Thomas and Richard) start passing notes about how they should jump the lich now and kill. They forgot to include the third player(Jeff) in their plans. So Terron and the lich were having an intellegent conversation on the benifits of undeath one of the chaotic warriors attacks the lich from behind. Terron (Jeff) knowing nothing of the plan casts suggestion on the warrior and tells him to run. The other players decided ,without saying a word,that Terron had betrayed the group and proceeded to cut him down, loot him, dowse him in oil, and burn him. Epitaph: Jeff after session: Why didnt you guys tell me what the FUCK you were DOING? |
Thallanon Arenwe Game System: AD&D, 2nd Edition Cause of Death: Led elven strike force into tunnel filled with flammable gas. Proceeding with lighting pipe halfway through caused body to be vaporized from inside out. Epitaph: "Well destroy the drow yet! Hmm. must be getting close. I can smell the stink of decay! Say, anyone got a light?" |
The Honourable Alexander St.John-Westwood. Game System: Call of Cthulu Cause of Death: Being "rag-dolled" by a couple of Sea Shoggoths after removing a graves capstone with his eyes shut "in case he saw anything nasty." Epitaph: And they tell you that your own imagination creates greater monsters than could ever exist. That may be true, but it seems a grobbly monster doesnt need to be all that nasty to prove fatal. |
The Shroud Game System: Heroes Unlimited Cause of Death: Shroud was journeying back to his homeland in Korea for spiritual rejuvenation and meditation. After discovering a terrorist (with bomb) aboard, he defeated the terrorist. In the fight, the bomb got armed. In order to throw it out the plane, extra weight was needed to get it past the jet intakes. With time running out, Shroud grabbed the bomb and jumped out the boarding door. Epitaph: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. |
Thorn Brambilstomper Game System: Scout AD&D Cause of Death: We were hired to scout out a entire keep of orcs and human mages and report everything we saw. We had a hack and slash bad ass minotaur that wanted to get in a fight so he yelled "Man we shouldnt have sent this many minotaurs to fight this piddly little keep." but with our luck they happendin huh!) [??? Gurth] Epitaph: And you call yourself Lawful Good Mr. Paladin |
Tommy Tsidas Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: Gunned down by police after his chummer, Enrico, started a media circus about the uselesness of the police department by spraying a media-van whith bullets from a AK-97 while driving by with the team in a stolen car. The media of course caught their mugs and, well... Epitaph: A sad bastard in life, now ever sad. |
Torin (aka Short, aka Balim) Game System: AD&D Forgotten Realms Cause of Death: Had sold his soul to CyrricBahl, then started sacrificing blood offerings to said God of Murder. When trying to sacrifice a Priest of Torm who just happened to be protected by the God himself.... (gulp) Epitaph: Call me short will ya? um, whatever you want then guys... guys? |
Torinth Game System: AD&D Second Edition Cause of Death: A nasty 18th level mage we came across had been working on a particularly lethal spell combo for the past eighteen months, dying for the opportuity to finally use it. Seeing Torinth and his elven friend, he immediately cast Improve Invisibility on himself. Seeing Torinth as the greater threat, he cast Teleport Without Error directly in the poor paladins path and directly and in the mans face cast Prismatic Spray. Of course, Torinth didnt make all SIX saving throws (1.save vs. 20 points of damage; 2.save vs. 40 points of damage; 3.save vs. 80 points of damage; 4.save vs. petrification; 5.save vs. insanity; 6.save vs. transport to another plane) dying a horrible life-drained,stone-skinned, insane, quasi-planar, polka-dotted death. Epitaph: Hey, look at the pretty colors... |
Torok Game System: AD&D Forgotten Realms Cause of Death: Set alight by burning oil that was poured through an hitherto unseen set of murder holes and screamed kicked and cried for the 25 minutes it took him to die while trapped between a metal gate and a portcullis with the rest of the party (except the mage wo teleported out). Epitaph: Hey, did the mage check the gatehouse when he flew in invisble? |
Trait-R-OUS Game System: Paranoia Cause of Death: Being called Trait-R-OUS Epitaph: Dont call yourself Trait-R-OUS |
Triton Kiljoy Game System: AD&D 2nd Edition Cause of Death: When swinging the Sword of Vengeance at a Drow Priest, he completely and utterly missed, struck the nearby support, cleaving it in two. The weight of both combatants toppled the severely weakened tressle, dumping both to the sea. Epitaph: No living soul could match him, though dead soil reclaims him. |
Trogdor the Burninator Game System: Domains: Fire and DestructionDungeons and Dragons 3.5 Cause of Death: For about a month, the party had been tracking a certain man carrying a certain book. Theyd tracked him to a harbor town, centerpiece of which was a temple of Pelor, the sun god. Trogdor, a chaotic neutral cleric of the goddess credited with creating the world, was very anxious to prove his worth to the party that he had just joined. They were interrogating a bartender about whether hed seen the man. Trogdor alone realized that the man knew more than he was letting on. When the barkeep went into the storeroom of his inn, Trogdor followed and cornered him. Trogdor manifested a Flame Shield and a Produce Flame spell and gave the barkeep one last chance to confess what he knew. The weeping bartender swore that he nothing. "Fine," said Trogdor. And he hurled a fireball at a stack of barrels in the storeroom. It just so happens that the barrels contained ale. Can you say KABOOOOMM!? Well, between Trodgors fire resistant armor and flame shield, he took very little damage. The bar and its patrons, on the other hand, were pretty much incinerated. Among them, one of Trogdors party members was also killed. The act of killing 30 innocents in one fell swoop was enough to shift Trogdor to chaotic evil. It just so happens that a monk (the next character for the player whose fighter just died) was leaving the temple and sees the burning tavern and the cleric still manifesting the produce flame spell. He manages to put 2 and 2 together. He challenges the cleric to a fight which he (the monk) loses. But just barely. Trogdor, settling into to being evil, takes this opportunity to urinate on the monks corpse. He looks up and sees the elven archer in his party walking away. He runs to follow her, but failed to put his...ahem...piece away before he sees it. She nocks an arrow and shoots it at his crotch. The fight with the monk left Trogdor severely damaged. So an arrow withe shocking and flaming on it, that scored a maximum damage critical hit, was enough to kill him. Epitaph: Hmmm...maybe I should have held it. |
Tron Freestar Game System: AD&D 2nd Edition Cause of Death: After dressing like a fool and annoying the rest of the party (mainly Aratsym and Kink) he shot 5 wargs to death, then beheaded a wolfwere, and still unscratched he filled his hat with two potions of fiery burning and two flasks of oil, he charged an ettin flinging it onto him (scratch one ettin) he then proceded to trip on his shoe lace and land on his flaming sword. Epitaph: OOPS oh well Aratsym never liked that hat anyway. |
Troy Ajax a.k.a. The Grey Man Game System: Shadowrun Cause of Death: 7 APDS rounds into his unarmored body. Shot by his second closest friend because of the 10,000,000 nuyen price on his head called on by several high ranking members of both Tir Tairngire and Tir Na nOg. Epitaph: Here lies The Grey Man. He lived a professional. He died a professional. Too bad he was worth more dead than alive. CEO of Facade, Inc. ((Block Delete 25.6 Mp), E THANKS TO THE EFFORTS OF THAT CONSOLE COWBOY, "DUKE" (THE GREY MANS NUMBER ON |
Tsunetomo Shokishu Game System: L5R Cause of Death: Spending his life at the courts he never imangined the horrors of a battlefield. When he was sent to the Wall, he was horriefied, but later accepted his fate as a member of new family and minor clan, the Eagle,. Then one day after leaving the palace of his former family, the Otomo, he suddenly faced a number of armed Samurai trying to enter the Palace. Thus began the coup, he managed the leave the palace and inform his daimyo of what happened here. After somedays in the city they joined the armys of the clans outside in the last fight against the ursurpers. During the last stand of his families samurai he was struck down by an poisened arrow. Shortly afterwards the battle was over. Epitaph: A leave - falling in autumn - is carried away by the wind - Tsunetomo Itezuru |
Tyrgeiz Altabr Game System: D&D 3rd edition Cause of Death: Several sessions before, the party robbed the royal treasury of Abu-Rishar (Think Ottoman Empire). The Paladin in the party, who was not directly involved in the robbery, was arrested for an unrelated incident. After much torture and magical questioning, the Abu Risharans discovered that he was connected with us. Unknown to him, upon his release a magical homing beacon was placed upon him. An Abu Risharan high priest tracked high priest tracked us to the city of Respir and kidnappped the paladin in order to lure us out of the protection of the city walls. We naturally set out to rescue him. With a rousing cry of "Die holy man!", Tyrgeiz charged straight into an ambush. After taking a considerable amount of damage from the High Priests soldiers, Tyrgeiz was magically commanded to throw down his arms and surrender. As one of the soldiers came up to deliver a coup de grace, the party mage, the somewhat misname Brendor the conjurer, shot a lightning bolt at the attacking soldier, killing him. Unfortunately it also blasted Tyrgeiz. The high priest ultimately escaped. Epitaph: DIE HOLY MAN!! |
Tyrone Pinwing Game System: AD&D 2nd Edition Cause of Death: He tried to save the life of a friend. He willingly ran inbetween two stone golems and attempted to distarct them from his friend. Then he was massacred by them, but his friend lived. Epitaph: The wise shall live longer than the strong. |
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