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Fastest Pussycat
The Syndicate - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 17

Lord Apathy
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 15

The Syndicate - Inventor
League Wins: 12

The UV Light Warriors
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 12

Whiplash Smile
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 11

The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 11

The Syndicate Team Sergeant
Toc Darkone
The Syndicate - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 11

Saiyan Chick Tomata
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 11

Overlord Arch Lord
The FPL Game
The Syndicate - Overlord
League Wins: 11

Unsubtle: Vitamin T
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 11

Viscount Von Vammeich
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 10

The Coalition of Bad Ideas
The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 10

The Unsubtle: New Ownership
The Syndicate - Master Training
League Wins: 9

Scarlett "Scar" Swarr
The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 9

The Syndicate Team Captain
Lord Canelaser, Eater of Widows
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 9

The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 9

Friedrich Kammerstein
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 9

The Arena of Khazan
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 9

Energy Conduit Knight Errant
CB1K: Kitten in a Blender
The Syndicate - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 9

Empathy Arch Lord
Nathaniel Jarvis
The Syndicate - Empathy
League Wins: 9

Midge "Squirrel" Fey
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 9

Star Wars Junkie
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Rika822: The Character
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Aka Koujaku
The Syndicate - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 8

The Rewriters
The Syndicate - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Jayme Lloyd
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Evil Donut Man
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 8

Kitten Kaboodle
The Syndicate - Olympian
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate Team Lieutenant
Johnathan Crenshaw
The Syndicate - Empathy
League Wins: 8

High Wire
The Syndicate - Cyberware
League Wins: 8

The Marriage-Ruining Robot
The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 8

Rebecca Mayfield
The Syndicate - Arcane Lore
League Wins: 8

Three Card Monty
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

A Horde of Zombie Chihuahuas
The Syndicate - Avatar
League Wins: 8

De La Vega
The Syndicate - Empathy
League Wins: 8

Master Training Knight Errant
Jane With Cinnamon
The Syndicate - Master Training
League Wins: 8

Master Chin, Iron Chef of Death
The Syndicate - Everyman
League Wins: 8

Ryuketsu Hane
The Syndicate - Master Training
League Wins: 8

The Syndicate - Energy Conduit
League Wins: 8


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Fantasy Powers League designed and programmed over 4 years, three re-writes and hundreds of hours by Serge Walters. Concept based on some long forgotten message thread on the CBUB message board in which it was decided this website might be a good idea. Well, at least the HexxJo / Landon entity thought so, and he's still here so I guess it worked out OK.