The Master Psychic Psycho by Mr. Graves  | TEAM: Freelance Villain |  | SECTOR: Science |  | KIT CLASS: Empathy |
|  |  |  Hall Of Fame! |  Survival - 14 wins! |
| Fight Record League Wins: 14
League Losses: 6
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 14
Total Losses: 6
Rez - Loss 0-0
 | In the inner bowels of an uncharted planet in the galaxy met a cult of the most evil psychically gifted villains in the universe, the Psychic Psychos. Their insane mission was to spread chaos through the orderly societies of the universe. Many of them were assistants and advisors in high governments and kingdoms, twisting the rulers for their own needs. But a problem arose. Many times they acted too chaotically, even among themselves. Several of them had turned on their fellow members and erased them, and they were slowly defeating their own purpose. That was when Matthias Xiamos joined the cult. Matthias not only possessed incredible psychic power, he was also incredibly fanatical, and very twisted. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Psychic Psychos, and deposed their current leader to become the new Master Psychic Psycho. With the incredible power and status associated with his new rank, he struck out, leading the cult on new missions of carnage and chaos. It was during this time that he discovered the League of the Mentally Unstable, based in Khazan. While they for the most part possessed not the psychic powers of his cult, their common bond of chaos and insanity was enough to validate making an alliance. To seal their ties, The Master himself has entered the Fantasy Powers League. He comes to spread his brand of terror and show the universe just how psychotic a psychic can be!!! |
 | Strength: | Weak BELOW normal human strength - can bench press 50 pounds (maybe). | Agility: | Weak BELOW normal human agility. Slow and uncoordinated. | Body: | Weak BELOW normal human endurance. Goes down easy and stays there. | Mind: | Superior Highly educated and ingenious. A smart cookie. |
 | Psychic Shield |
- Power: Force Field
- Level:Ultimate
- Reinforced Defenses Defense blocks Armor Piercing attacks.
The Psychic Psychos are not known for their physical prowess... therefore, they constantly keep strong psychically created shields around themselves to protect from big brutes and energy spellcasters. Of course, because he is the Master, Matthias has the strongest shield of them all.
 | Speed Reader... of Your Mind |
- Power: Telepathy
- Level:Supreme
- Kit Power Link: Empathy
- Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
Naturally, Matthias' psychic abilities allow him the capability to probe into others' minds, allowing him to fully realize any threat to himself, and how to nullify it mentally. Matthias is so proficient with this ability that any attack leveled at him is reduced by one level of power before the attack has even begun; standard level attacks become completely useless.
 | Neural Meltdown |
- Power: Mind Blast
- Level:Supreme
- Kit Power Link: Empathy
- Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
Matthias uses his mind as a direct attack on his opponents, sending out a massive blast of mental energy. This blast is capable of causing seizures and even nervous system malfunctions and unconsciousness, causing irreparable damage to the mental well-being of his opponent.
 | Empathy |
As Matthias trained his mind reading (and destroying) the minds of so many others, Matthias unlocked the full potential of his psychic powers, increasing them to a whole new level of ability and power with which to cause chaos and destruction.
 | Projector -- Filter Sensor |
- Power: Closed Mind
- Level:Supreme
- Weakness: Power in Item -Easy to Loseitem
- Weakness: Not usable in terrain Lava Cliffs
The Projector is a device invented by Matthias himself to increase his mental powers even futher. The Filter Sensor antennae on the left side filters out any possible harmful mental attacks that manage to survive his Telepathy, as well as keep out other probing telepaths. Unfortunately, the intense heat of the Lava Cliffs tends to overload the filter. Also, if anyone were to break through the force field and reach Matthias himself, they could easily knock the mechanism off.
 | Projector -- Power Channeler |
- Power: Force of Will
- Level:Supreme
- Weakness: Power in Item -Easy to Loseitem
- Weakness: Not usable in terrain Frozen Wastes
While the antennae on the left filters out incoming mental energies, the Power Channeler antennae on the right focuses Matthias' mental outputs to make them more effective and destructive. The intense cold of the Frozen Wastes causes it to freeze up and become ineffective. This antennae is removable as well...
 | Projector -- Psychic Magnet |
- Power: Tractor Beam
- Level:Superior
- Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
- Weakness: Limited Uses -Multi-Use
- Weakness: Not usable in terrain Low Gravity
Should Matthias ever lose one or both of the Projector's antennae, he can activate a special power built into the Projector to fix the problem. A psychically powered magnet encased in the Projector, connected directly to Matthias' mind, pulls the antennae back towards him to be reaffixed. Also, it has been known to pull the occasional item out of his opponent's hands. It can only be powered up around ten times, however, and lack of gravity tends to interfere.
 | If All Else Fails... |
- Power: Armor Skin
- Level:Supreme
- Reinforced Defenses Defense blocks Armor Piercing attacks.
As a last resort, the Projector also provides Matthias' head with a thick enough layer of metallic protection should anyone somehow manage to pierce through his many defenses. It's tough enough that he can even use it to give someone a particularly painful headbutt, though he'll have a migraine the next day.