Same as it ever was. That's the feeling you get after the rush. That's what you're left with and some of us can't deal with it. The... the sudden rush of courage. Of righteousness. It's easy to get addicted to it. All it takes is one hit. That's why you see Khazan crawling day and night with normal Joes and Janes in home made costumes trying frantically to find a crime to stop and failing. The suicide rate of wannabes is astronomical compared to that of the next highest bracket of risk. It's gotten to the point that the moment you go out of your way to fight injustice, your life insurance broker starts looking at you funny waiting for the other shoe to drop. Even if it's as small as stopping a man from hitting his wife, you're labeled. They're worried you're going to start jonesing for it. For the feeling that you aren't always a powerless member of the herd. Once you do, there's no hope for you. You either learn your lesson real quick, commit suicide, or die in the line of a duty you aren't equipped to handle. How do I know? Because I'm in way over my goddamn head. I stopped a bank robber by karate chopping the back of his neck and taking his gun. Know what's fucking hilarious? I don't know any fucking karate. I was a CEO of a small tech company. What the hell made me do something as reckless as that? I don't know, but I've spent the past two years trying to recapture that feeling. Every time it's within my grasp, I can feel my teeth chattering with anticipation. It's the high of growing balls. Clubbing someone over the back of the head with a baseball bat of FUCKING JUSTICE is so goddamn exhilarating. It's better than sex. I am powerful. I am the ALMIGHTY GOD and PROTECTOR of my flock. I am a fucking BAD ASS. God damn... I feel jittery just thinking about it. Only one problem. You know I mentioned I'm in way over my goddamn head? Yeah. This time I am. I'm surrounded by three guys with guns so big I'd be surprised if they had a single penis among them. It's one thing to crack a joke, but if I move one foot, I'm going to be missing vital sections of my body. I despise my ex wife, but she works for the coroner's office and I'd hate for her to have to scrape me off the wall into a bucket. So I'm thinking I'm dead, right? That is, until I see a spark light up in one of the hostages' eyes. I know that spark. I feed off of it. I surprise one of the thugs with a knee to the groin. The hostage, showing the first signs of courage to come, whips her purse into a second thug, using the strap to ensnare the gun and rip it away from her victim. Oh yeah, this won't be her last time. She's too good. That leaves one frightened idiot left with wet stains running down the front of his pants. Welcome to the neighborhood, chump. The flock can fucking protect themselves. |