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Played By: Maestro

Morgan by Maestro

TEAM: Solo Hero


KIT CLASS: Everyman

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 3
Split Arrow - Win 12-8
Raljin - Win 14-6
Radimir Kismet - Win 13-8
Kagei's Dragon SafeHome - Win 13-8
"Honest Bob" Riley - Win 18-11
Seryph Gibbons - Win 14-12
Silent Samurai - Win 13-12
Madeleine Collins - Win 13-11
Lexington Miles - Loss 10-12
Vladomir the Monk - Loss 9-12
Arick Huebris - Loss 7-12

From a very young age, I had heard stories of a strange creature lurking in the sewers beneath London. Naturally, I always dismissed them as mere fancy. Yet my experiences since then have convinced me that what is called the fancy is merely a mode of memory emancipated from the order of space and time. No possibility, however outlandish, should be dismissed out of hand. The existence of the wonders and dangers that I now know exist outside of the dull sphere in which so many of us live affirms the Bard's assertion that there truly are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in all our philosophy. I never believed the stories of the scaled thing skulking beneath London until its existence was unequivocally proven by an encounter with it that nearly ended my life. Certainly, it could be said that my former life was ended on that, my last night on Earth. The tale is too long to tell now, but suffice it to say that the brute carried some curse, the nature of which I know little. As the creature gripped me and stared into my eyes, I was (or perhaps both of us were) cast from that world in a brilliant coruscation of light. How or why I do not know, but I awoke in a place that was not Earth. In the coming months, as I tried to abide as an outcast (a 'monster living in the sewers,' one might say) in a series of worlds populated by alien things that considered me as monstrous as I did them, I at seemingly random intervals was overcome with an insurmountable compulsion to accost some random one of the native entities. The victim was no choice of mine, nor was the assault; at those times my mind was simply not my own. Each such incident ended with the same coruscation, and a catastrophic transfer to some new world. After nearly a year of living mostly as a fugitive in varyingly hostile worlds, I have arrived here in the Nexus. (http://forums.electricferret.com/phpBB2/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1395)


Personality: Since that first night, I have been dogged by a persistent, unquenched curiosity as to the nature of this affliction. Why and how? I have spent close to a year being flung from world to world, evading starvation, spears, and bullets. It is only by the hope that I may find an answer that I have continued. My home is lost to me, but thankfully, my mind is not.




Standard Normal human strength.Agility:


Superior This fighter can dodge, weave and move
with the grace of an Olympic gymnast.


Standard Normal human endurance. Mind:


Superior Highly educated and ingenious.
A smart cookie.


  • Power: Lucky
  • Level:Standard
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Hard to Loseitem
The fact that through all my struggles I have retained possession of this pocket watch, this heirloom, this last piece of home, has helped me retain my sanity. Though the effect is purely psychological, at times I am amazed at the peace and presence of mind that its remembrance brings. When a man is called "lucky," the phrase usually merely refers to his capacity and presence of mind that allows him to seize opportunities. I have often thought how likely it is that without this, my luck by now would surely have run out.

Fractional motion

I would not have survived the travails of the past year had not the creature that set these events in motion also given me this curious ability. Days after I awoke in that first new world, I found (while in great danger) that I could relocate myself without traveling through intervening space. This is likely a form of the uncontrollable "leaping" that has led me to the Nexus. Though the inter-world ricochets seem to have ceased now that I am at the center of all worlds, my ability to move fractionally through space abides.


  • Power: Eldrich Blast
  • Level:Superior
  • Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
There were countless worlds that I barely survived during that time; in a few of them, events transpired that are still relevant today. It so happened that on the night of my unwilling departure I had my pistol with me, an old-style flintlock. Its grip and handling are flawless, but the weapon was of little use once its few bullets were spent. Its use was restored when in a war-wracked world an acquaintance of mine, desperate for an ally, modified the antique by some arcane technical artifice to eject streams of burning light. His methodologies I could never begin to understand; they seem to be based on some unknown laws lost to science.


I would not be alive now had not Goethe's cunning and strength intervened in my favor on several occasions over the past months. Upon my arrival here in Khazan, I was mysteriously greeted immediately by an apparently genial stranger who tried to kill me as soon as my guard was down. His assault was halted by a blur of sinew, claw, and tooth.


A ferocious and peculiar beast, this fine companion has somehow followed me through these past few interuniversal leaps. Goethe is very much like a lion except for his rapid growth and outstanding physical nobility. Though he is already the size of a telluric lion, he is still only a kitten. Judging from his mother's Sphinx-like appearance, in adulthood his appearance and size will change dramatically.


As I became acclimated to this final world, I learned ever more about its nature, its inhabitants, and the forces at work within it. I have survived no less than twenty-seven specific murder attempts, not counting the ordinary near-daily brushes with death that characterize this world of villains and heroes; it seems that I have become the target of a sinister union that calls itself The Fallen. Most of these attempts I have been able to deduce beforehand. Their interest in me is apparently related to the supernatural affliction that has brought me here. I at first turned to the Sentinels for information and assistance, but after uncovering certain questionable practices therein, I have sought the aid of another organization which I believe holds the pieces that will complete this puzzle.