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Played By: Chakos

Sdaehri by Chakos

TEAM: Solo Hero

SECTOR: Uptown

KIT CLASS: Energy Conduit

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 wins!

Brutal - 1 fatalaties!

Fight Record
League Wins: 8
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 8
Total Losses: 3
The Acursed One - Win 0-0
Stryder of Rose Wood - Win 0-0
Joseph Poisonwood - Win 0-0
The Monolith - Win 0-0
Twitch - Win 0-0
The Apostles - Win 0-0
Bas Swarr - Loss 0-0
Zander Jacobin - Loss 0-0
Jembres Nahmsu - Loss 0-0
Nobody's Fault - Win 12-9

Destiny streamed through the Aether, a silver bullet barreling through an infinite sea of miasma. It dallied little in the Planes, using them only to move through reality, so that it may tell the Warders of the Chosen. It binded their deaths to hers with golden chains and hooks. Unbreakable chains which would not be denied. Destiny can be a bitch. As Destiny's form shot through the Planes, its hooks and chains dangled from her belt. They were Unsheathed for this Occasion; reverberating with the twin powers of Cosmic Prophecy and Paradox, they could suppress even Free Will. The sixth had been chosen, and Destiny threw itself into the Winds to be taken to the seventh and final Warder. It was thrown around the Planes, the Hooks scraping up Aether while the Chains captured portions of the will and sentience of the Plane's citizens. A bit from here, a bit from there, and then Destiny found itself in Khazan with an amalgamation before it. The Seventh Warder, made from the very fabric of reality, Sdaehri is the essence of self-fulfilling prophecy.


Personality: The Boy: "liking the Chosen very much. kind to us. play and play and play. sad sometimes; her or us. death. keep her company now. protect now. smile now. die then." The Wolf: "grrrrrr....."




Weak BELOW normal human strength -
can bench press 50 pounds (maybe).


Standard Normal human agility.


Weak BELOW normal human endurance.
Goes down easy and stays there.


Standard Normal human mental resources.

Energy Conduit

are what? aether. not from here. there. not from now. then. aether is us; is Wolf too. Prophecy is self. aether medium of self.

nothing but destiny bound

  • Power: Phasing
  • Level:Ultimate
  • Kit Power Link: Energy Conduit
am only aether! fun for play with Chosen. go here! go there! go through walls! move 'round! no stop! physical world? silly to us. is finite! but much aether here. there. aether everywhere! self only prophecy. aether medium for self. no hurt medium. nothing. self take more aether! no hurt prophecy with fists, silly!


  • Power: Counter-Attack
  • Level:Standard
  • Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
no hurt Chosen! any way is no! physical? no. mental? no. always intercept. no hurt us. could hurt Chosen. but that is no. hurt us, Wolf come. Wolf is us. Us is Wolf. Wolf protect Chosen. more try hurt Chosen, more hurt us, more Wolf hurt you. go way! is better! then can play! you play. us play. no need for Wolf. Wolf no play! go way!

Control Fate? Ha!

  • Power: Closed Mind
  • Level:Supreme
  • Kit Power Link: Energy Conduit
body is aether. aether change. but much aether. us is fate. prophecy. hard to change fate. some try. fail. do not try. try? Wolf come. you no try more. no play more! no try, ok?


us made of aether. Wolf aether too. 'cause silly. Wolf is us! danger to Chosen? us make us Wolf but still be us but be Wolf. head hurt? is ok.

The Wolf

  • Power: Beast Master
  • Level:Standard
  • Area Effect This attack causes damage in a large area.
  • Seeker This attack hunts and follows its target.
  • Ranged and Melee Attack! Attack is equally effective at range and up close.
  • Armor Piercing This attack ignores normal defenses which are not Reinforced.
  • Multi Attack Attack can hit multiple times during one strike.
never be only Wolf. Wolf is us. Us is Wolf. but not only. Wolf come. mean us need help. Wolf not always big. but hurt Chosen? Wolf get much big! big as you try to hurt! mean. seek you. big teeth. big claws. armor not stop Wolf. not play then; hurt!



  • Power: Induced Sleep
  • Level:Superior
  • Auto-Hit This mental attack hits the target automatically, but may or may not effect them.
  • Melee Attack Attack usable only hand to hand.
no want fight! shush! no scare Chosen! Wolf play? no need! no like! quiet! shush! sleep! peace! calm. no need fight. calm. aether. tendrils. mind? go off! is fun. *giggle* Wolf go. is better.