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Ensigns J&J
Played By: Eric

Ensigns J&J by Eric

TEAM: Sentinels

SECTOR: Uptown

KIT CLASS: Everyman

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 10 wins!

Fight Record
League Wins: 10
League Losses: 3
Out Of League Wins: 0
Out of League Losses: 0
Total Wins: 10
Total Losses: 3
Schattenj - Loss 0-0

With the end of the Dominion War the Federation was able to once again resume its mission of exploration. The USS Enterprise E came upon a dimensional rift that led to the worlds of....Anime! Finding usefull powers in these animated universe, Starfleet decided to try and copy some. The world of Pokemon has lead to some interesting new officers. No other Anime has yet to be used for higher ranking officers as no self-respecting Starfleet officer wants to be yelling "SUPER STARFLEET TORPEDO ATTACK" every time they go into battle. With the addition of Pokemon physics nearly every ship in the fleet has a Dr. Joy and Tactical Officer Jenny. The most profound improvement is in the extras. Instead of going through redshirts a dozen a week, they can use the same ones over and over again. Instead of dying these new found ensigns merely "Blast off" and show up again next week. Enter, Jessie and James, Team Rocket's faster than light!




Standard Normal human strength.Agility:


Superior This fighter can dodge, weave and move
with the grace of an Olympic gymnast.


Superior Hardy.
Takes punishment like a heavyweight fighter or wrester.


Standard Normal human mental resources.

Blaster Bombs

  • Power: Concussive
  • Level:Superior
  • Area Effect This attack causes damage in a large area.
  • Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Hard to Loseitem
  • Weakness: Not usable in terrain Lava Cliffs
Not forgetting their Team Rocket origins Ensigns Jessie and James always carry thieir bombs with them as seen on Pokemon. The bombs do considerable damage even though J & J aren't always the best aims. The intense heat of Lava can set the bombs off prematurely causing Redshirt Squad to warp off again!

Phaser weaponry

  • Power: Disintegration
  • Level:Superior
  • Ranged Attack Attack usable at a distance (only).
  • Armor Piercing This attack ignores normal defenses which are not Reinforced.
  • Weakness: Power in Item -Easy to Loseitem
Starfleet equips most of its officers with powerful phaser weaponry that can disentigrate nearly anything. Jessie and James are known clutzes however and the big shots at Starfleet HQ don't think they should be allowed to go around with weapons of mega-mass-destruction, so their phasers only go up to 3/4ths maximum power and lack the wide-dispersion mode.

Never say die.

  • Power: Iron Will
  • Level:Standard
  • Weakness: Limited Uses -One Use
Team Rocket was impossible to deter, half of all Federation Officers don't know the meaning of the word quit. So, is it likely that the Redshirt squad will surrender? I think not!

Looks like we're blasting off!

  • Power: Regeneration
  • Level:Superior
  • Weakness: Limited Uses -One Use
Jessie and James always survive, and not just because they're cartoons. A falling chandilier killed Ash, and J&J have survived MUCH worse. The most they ever show up is twice an episode though, so it's only used once.


  • Power: Running
  • Level:Standard
  • Weakness: Not usable in terrain Steel Cage
The original Jessie and James had a lot of experience running. Ensigns J & J are even better at it because they face the horrible dimensional/time/whatever distortions that exist in the Star Trek universe!

It's our trap!

  • Power: Tactician
  • Level:Supreme
  • Weakness: Limited Uses -One Use
Ensign squad, like Team Rocket, loves to come up with wacky plans. The plan that they come up with before the battle works more often than their predecessors, because...They're good guys!