The Dark Galleon

Hall Of Fame!

Survival - 8 Wins!

Brutal - 1 Fatalities


Alignment: Villain

Team: The Fallen


Strength: Weak

Agility: Weak

Mind: Standard

Body: Weak


Personal Wins: 8

Personal Losses: 4


I had dreamed of joining the navy since I was young...the sea had always enticed me, and yet at the same time terrified me with it's stories of sea monsters and pirates. So it was only natural that one day I would join the navy, and sail the seven seas. But when I joined, I found the sea was quite different than I imagined. I was on a small boat on tour in the Pacific, to get my sea legs they said, when the dreams came... Oh god, what horrible nightmares. You cannot imagine the horrors I saw when I closed my eyes...beasts with the form of man, slaughtering men and raping women...looting and pillaging not so much for love of gold as love of carnage. Rum on their breath, merrily singing raucous tunes as they siezed ships and towns, leaving no survivors and causing the sea to run red with blood. They were beasts in human form...the horible, brutal, demonic side of piracy that you rarely see in movies or read in stories...Night after night I woke up screaming, the sounds of slaughter seemingly echoing around the room in my shriek...

The Flying Dutchman...Loki's ship of the Damned...even as far back as Charon's has always been a ship that ferried vile men to Hades. But why a ship? Is there truth to the legends? And if do we know that some day we ourselves will not be passengers, or, worse yet, crew? "I walk a lurching timber world, a reeking salt caked hell/and yet perhaps no worse a world than yours/where bishops stroll through charnal yards with pomanders to smell/where vile men thrive and love crawls on all fours"--The Shanty of Edward Teach, Tales of the Black Freighter #7, by Max Shea.

The Pirates...

     Necromancer: Ultimate


You cannot imagine my horror at the sight of these fiends night after night after night...I began to see them more and more clearly through the haze of my dream...ragged beards with virtual swarms of lice and cutlasses raised, already caked in blood from previous kills...earings glistening mockingly in the setting sun as they cleaved a path through innocent sailors or townsfolk...I began to see them butchering people I know...friends and relatives and people I had seen before but whose names I had long since forgotten...


Or the Legions of the Damned..

     Necromancer: Ultimate


Truly these were the legions of hell come to life. What more fitting form than that of a pirate? Amoral men with a love for no more than savagery and bloodshed. Debauchery and violence were their only ambition...the gold was secondary. I began to see the captain too...a sick and twisted amalgam of all the evil that walked the earth...Loki commanding his ship of the Damned...


The Nightmares...

     Psychic Vampire: Supreme

  • Auto-Hit Attack


As they came to me night after night, I grew more and more detached from the other crew members...My face become sallow and gaunt...I forgot to shave...getting a ragged and scruffy beard that made me look even more deranged with each passing day...people would shun away from me...avoiding the gaze of my hollow eyes...and I could feel my mental strength and fortitude slipping away with passing night, even though my sleep was getting shorter and shorter...


The Horror...

     Emotion Control: Superior

  • Auto-Hit Attack


What is the difference between fear, terror, and horror? Fear is under a controlled situation...with fear you're safe. With terror you're confronted with fear and are unsafe, but there is still hope of deliverance...some method of survival...Horror is something else is when there is no hope of escape...when you know some impending doom is upon you, and there isn't a thing you can do to stop it. With each night, I would lie in bed, feeeling nothing but pure horror at the thought of my inevitable slumber...and thus I slept less and less, for I could feel the horror growing within me with each passing night. That did nothing to lessen the impact of the nightmares...though shorter they were becoming far more terrifying, so that I would wake up not just screaming, but ranting in hysterics...that last time, when the medic had come in to sedate me, I had resigned myself to the fact that I had gone mad...


The Dark Galleon...

     Vehicle: Superior


They had strapped me to the bed...everyone else was asleep...they gave me somethin to keep me calm without putting me to sleep, something I thanked them for...They said something about heading towards a small island for a medivac...for some reason the thought that I had gone mad was meant they weren't real...that it was purely a deranged fantasy...yes...that was a most comforting thought...but then I saw it. The black form sillouetted against the moon...a massive galleon..just like the one in my dreams...Dark and foreboding, with a black sail, and an eerie glow about it's hull, not of this world...oh god, they were on their way! It wasn't madness! It was prophecy! The Dark Galleon was on it's way to claim us all! I had to do something...fortunately, the doctor had left his bag near my bed...if only I could reach the scalpel...


A Trick of the Light...

     Illusion Creation: Superior

  • Auto-Hit Attack


I stood over the body of the God, what had I done? The captain lay dead at my feet, blood oozing from the wound I had given him...if he hand's struggled, if he had only listened when I said that I needed the helm...but no time now...not when Death loomed so close ahead of us. I turned the ship around...their ship was made of wood, while ours was steel...with enough speed I could ram their ship and punch a hole right through it...they'd sink faster than a rock, and I would be free from these nightmares...a hero...I gunned the engine towards the dark loomed ahead of me like a mountain...a mountain...oh God, a seamount! My senses briefly returned...I saw the sharp crag of rock just seconds before the ship lurched forward, its bottom ripped out and it's lower decks flooded...I murdered the crew in my madness...But you see, admiral, I was a sane man before I got out there...It may not be a galleon, it may not be pirates...but there is some ship out there...a ship of the damned that I know now what I should have as soon as I had the first has a place reserved for me...


The Edge of Perception

     Invisibility: Supreme


I sit in my cell, and though I cannot see it, I feel it's presence. Shapes barely on the edge of perception, horrible memories. Even my nightmares have lost their coherence, for I no longer see the ship or it's crew. But I know they're there. I see them gathering at the very edges of vision, they're waiting for something. I try to lash out at them, but when I look they aren't there. It torments me night and day that they are there and yet they are not. But what torments me the most is how they're gathering. On the ocean otuside of my cell window, I can hear the ship. It's crew is swelling, for, though I cannot see it as it hides in the light, the din grows louder nightly. Why can't anyone else hear it? It is gathering crew, and I fear that they will tire of waiting for me soon. -- found scrawled on Dylan Murray, the Mad Seaman's wall. Found shortly after his dissapearance from his maximum security cell.